Why is my company not successful in other countries?

September 20, 2022

So, you’ve been a success in your home country. That’s great and logic would suggest that if you were to scale-up and enter a new territory, you should automatically be a success there too. Right? Well, I don’t want to rain on your parade but that’s not necessarily the way things will work out. First of all, you need to look at why you were successful at home. You had your technology and your business acumen. Nobody can take that away from you and you may think that’s enough to succeed abroad and on a very superficial level it should be but you had advantages that you may not even have considered because they came so naturally to you that you may have dismissed them as unimportant. So, if we were to break that down, you speak the local language, you know the local market, you have local contacts as well as local clients and your salespeople are native to the region and integrated into the process. This means that every advantage which you may have considered to be insignificant at home becomes crucial abroad. 

Dangerous and risky

To try and enter a new market without the right background research can be a dangerous and risky endeavour. There are far too many examples, sadly, of companies who failed. Some took the losses and removed themselves from the overseas market. Some didn’t see the warning signs in time and didn’t survive at all. These are of course the worst case scenarios we know of but given the history, the risks cannot be underestimated. 

Hiring new staff

One of the major challenges you could face is a difficulty in hiring new staff. If you take staff from your home operation that might lose you money that’s needed for the expansion and also, how good are they going to be under a massive change of circumstances? Even if they speak the local language, and they may not do, they won’t know the local business culture or have existing contacts there. If you hire in the new territory it will be a long and challenging task to find the right people and even if you do there’ll be a lengthy onboarding process and well as you having to spend more time and money while you wait for them to become successful. If this sound scary, and it should do, you’ll be pleased to know there’s another way that is not only cost effective but also practically eliminates risk. 

What SDR as a Service can do

What SDR as a Service can do for you is retore all of the advantages you had at home. With our services, you get SDRs that are local to the area you’re scaling to, whether that’s in Europe, the Americas or the Asia Pacific (APAC) region. On top of this, they speak the local language and understand the culture as well as the business nuances of the market. What’s more, because they work in the market every day, they are armed with a list of contacts which means they can rapidly identify genuine prospects for your product or service. Also, with no long term contracts, you have the flexibility to scale up or down as you wish and should you want to terminate the service, there are no lengthy exit clauses. Lastly, something that’s genuinely genius about this approach is that if you wanted to, you could use Aexus’ SDRaaS (Sales Development Representative as a Service) to test the market’s appetite for your product or service without you ever even having to set foot in the new territory. 

To sum up, SDR as a Service’ SDRs are already have a presence in your territory, have an in-depth knowledge of the tech sector, are sales experts and they work within a proven methodology.

So, to make sure your scale has the best chances of success, get in touch. We’re always more than happy to jump on a call.

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