Why you should use outsourced SDRs

mei 31, 2022

When you’re trying to scale a business, you’ve got a lot to think about. Whatever success you had in your home country isn’t necessarily going to cut it in this one. You’ll be working under new rules that you’re not familiar with and you may even need to make changes to your product to ensure it is compliant with regulations in the new territory. You’ll also have to cope with new laws and taxes, potentially a new language and definitely a new culture.

That’s a lot of headaches when all you’re really concerned about is your product and its success. And, that’s really what it comes down to. There are things you care about and things you don’t but you still have to do the things you don’t care about to get the job done. Well, that’s one way of looking at it, but there is another way. What if you were left to get on with what you do best while others took care of the sales side? 

Outsourced SDRs

The first thing about outsourcing SDRs is it’s extremely low risk. You get to test out the market first, see if the conditions are right and then make a decision as to whether to go ahead or not. And, if you do decide to go ahead, what you’ll find with Aexus is a team of dedicated professionals who are eager to get your business going and growing as soon as possible. In fact, that’s a benefit of outsourcing straight away. Our SDRs can take you to market faster.

If you were to hire your own salespeople in a new territory, you’d have to go through a complicated onboarding process, train the new employees and give them time to be successful. It could take months. With our SDRs, who are already on the ground and in your domain, you could go to market within a matter of weeks. It is a significantly more cost-effective strategy.

So, let’s take a closer look at how you can really profit from outsourced SDRs.

A Faster Return on Investment (ROI)

You cannot underestimate the value of having the outsourced SDRs on the ground in the territory you’re trying to enter. The fact that they are already active in the market makes a big difference in their ability to be agile in targeting, qualifying and contacting prospects quickly. Don’t forget as well that the SDRs are native speakers who understand the culture and know how to nurture a relationship before passing the lead off to a more experienced colleague, making a sale an easier task for the BDM. 

Accurate Market Insights

The flexibility of SDRs means you can try out different strategies, across segments with different propositions to see what works best. Not only will the feedback from this exercise point you in the right direction, but it will also help to inform decisions you make about your go-to-market plan and where to implement it so it has the best chance of success. 

Detailed Reporting

Reports are of course vital for getting a good overview on how things are going and can seriously aid the decision making process. We’ve spoken before about our SDRs and their talent in this area. Repots are something they do with speed, clarity and detail, so that no opportunity is ever missed to assess the situation for either improvement or continuation. As a unit of course there is a consistency to the reporting which would be very difficult to achieve with newly hired staff of your own.

Total Flexibility

Because of the way our outsourced SDRs work, you have total flexibility in what they do. If you need to allocate resources to a new direction, that can be done quickly and seamlessly, which allows you to continue a/b testing. Also, if you need to add staff to an existing or specific team, that can be done without any disruption to your operations. 

If you’d like to learn more about how outsourced SDRs can give your business a boost, get in touch. We’re always happy to jump on a call. 

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