
Chris Gerretsen

Chris Gerretsen

Founder Aexus

Chris is the founder of Aexus. He likes football, running and plays a mean guitar in several rock bands.

Thomas Blankvoort

Thomas Blankvoort

Chief Executive Officer

Roel Evers

Roel Evers

Chief Operating Officer

Roel is Chief Operating Officer at Aexus. He is the proud father of 3 sons and has a passion for football. Roel loves to travel the world off the beaten track to meet new people and explore new cultures.

Maurits Kool

Maurits Kool

Sales Director

Maurits is Sales Director SDR as a Service Benelux and is responsible for managing the SDR label. Maurits is a very proud father of his newborn son and loves to BBQ all year round with friends and family.

Click here to read more about Maurits!

Ogan Cihan Öcal

Ogan Cihan Öcal

Sales Manager

Ogan has a quite multicultural background and identifies as a world citizen. Being originally from Turkey and having lived in Turkey, Jordan, Germany, Netherlands and currently in Spain, he speaks Turkish, English, German and Arabic fluently. Ogan is an architect and graduated from German-Jordanian University. During the course of his studies, he got the opportunity to finish an exchange semester and an internship year in Germany where he was able to master his German language. Ogan has always been passionate about languages, he identifies with sales as he loves using his languages on a daily basis to communicate with customers from the DACH territory. Over the past 2 years in Costa Del Sol, Southern Spain, he got experience working in IT sales both as a salesperson and a sales manager. Ogan is also passionate about music: during his free time, he plays guitar and writes songs.

Bo Klijnhout

Bo Klijnhout

Sales Development Representative Benelux

Bo is 27 years old from the Netherlands. Bo lives in Malaga, Spain right now for about 2 years. She did her bachelor degree in International Business & Languages in Arnhem (Netherlands). In her free time she likes to go to concerts, do photography and travel a lot! She is active in the SDR-team of the Benelux market.

Saskia Pollet

Saskia Pollet

Sales Development Representative Benelux

Amanda den Ridder

Amanda den Ridder

Sales Development Specialist Benelux

Maximilian Meierl

Maximilian Meierl

Sales Development Representative DACH

During his job as a clerk in the office of a big pharmaceutical company Maximilian already founded his own ecommerce fashion brand. After Maximilian discovered the world of real estate he decided to move on as an investor and real estate agent. He was always interested in tech, innovation and visionary thinking. Now he is happy to be part of Aexus and he helps to drive innovation and shape the future of tomorrow, with the skills, that he acquired as entrepreneur and investor.

Theresia Scholten

Theresia Scholten

Sales Development Representative DACH

Boris Fortuny

Boris Fortuny

Sales Development Representative DACH

Anthony Carmona-Lozano

Anthony Carmona-Lozano

Sales Development Representative

Ciara Maguire

Ciara Maguire

Sales Development Representative UK & Ireland


SDR as a Service bietet vollständig ausgelagerte Lead-Generation für B2B-IT- und SaaS-Unternehmen.
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